Armadum Lawyers is a dynamic corporate organization focused on monitoring changes in the legal field and finding new solutions for our clients. We have a modern integrated administrative and technological infrastructure to provide quality legal support to our clients. We strive for flexible, efficient and reliable work, developing strong and long-lasting relationships with our customers.
The business environment is changing incredibly fast and creating new opportunities for foreign and local companies every day. Ukraine is attracting the attention of governments, large corporations and international investors, central to every strategic and global debate in Europe.
Armadum Lawyers is proud of its role in the market, where it is involved in writing economic and law scripts in Ukraine and Europe.
Our success story is based on the most important projects implemented by our team members. Armadum Lawyers was created to provide high quality legal services to our clients. The result is innovative solutions for each specific project entrusted to us. Our team always makes every effort not only to anticipate the problem, but also to create new opportunities for our clients.
Armadum Lawyers have extensive experience in the complex and innovative aspects of transactions, litigation, corporate law, M&A. We also have skills that go beyond standard project implementation, but despite that, we always maintain accuracy in terms of technical quality, ethics, and efficiency.
With a team of lawyers in Ukraine, the UK and associated partner offices in the EU, we offer the knowledge and confidence required to follow domestic and international law, as well as unique business practices.